Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert


"On behalf of the International Documentary Association, I would like to urge you to support Freedom Dance. We are pleased to sponsor this project for two reasons: the filmmaker demonstrated high professional standards and the project promises to be a contribution to both the media arts and cultural history."

Sandra Ruch, Executive Director
International Documentary Association
Los Angeles, California

"As the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution approaches and memories of its destruction by Soviet forces recede, it is vital to show the sufferings of ordinary Hungarians. This film is a bold endeavor to help Americans understand both the bravery of a people yearning for freedom and the brutal invasion that was intended to crush their hopes."

Janusz Bugajski, Director, Central and East European Studies,
Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Roy W. Dean film grant receives hundreds of proposals each year for our LA and NYC film grants. Mr. Steven Fischer and Mr. Craig Herron have submitted their film, "Freedom Dance", to our grant. We found this film to be an excellent concept and believe thatit will be an important documentary.

With the outline they have, and the incredible wisdom behind the film, we think "Freedom Dance" will definitely win awards.

Our From the Heart Foundation fully supports Steven Fischer and Craig Herron and their film, "Freedom Dance". We think they are exceptionally talented filmmakers. All of us look forward to the completion of the project.


Carole Dean

The Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore is pleased to endorse and applaud the Freedom Dance documentary project based on the diary sketches of Edward Hilbert.

The importance of Freedom Dance becomes evident as we watch pages of history come to life through the wonders of animation in the telling of a true and compelling story. The reason why the film succeeds and resonates with such power is thanks to the fine association of both Craig Herron and Steven Fischer's brilliant production together with the original artwork of an eminent artist like M. Hilbert.

The JCC is also appreciative of this meaningful project as it evokes universal and personal issues of survival, family and culture with sensitivity and intelligence. The magic and the beauty of animation will undoubtedly help to illustrate within the story, the values of justice, spirit and determination to a wider and often untapped audience.

The imaginative concept and the superb realization of Freedom Dance will now serve as a valuable and unique contribution to society and to the public of all ages.

Claudine Davison,
Assistant Director of Arts and Culture,
Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Freedom Dance is an uplifting story which inspires us by the remarkable endurance of the human spirit under the most difficult of circumstances. In these often trying times of conflict, it reminds audiences that America's liberty is a precious and unique privilege that cannot be taken for granted, but must be respected and cherished. Freedom Dance convincingly reveals how optimism illuminates the dark paths of life and how faith in a dream triumphs over the world's nightmares.

On behalf of Mayor O'Malley, I commend you for recognizing the potential of this story to awaken the world to the daily trials and dreams of refugees, and for having the courage to create such an innovative and dynamic film. Freedom Dance successfully uses character-driven animation to re-capture the emotion of a cartoonist's hard-fought journey to freedom without sacrificing the story's dignity or drama. You are taking documentary storytelling into new and exciting territory and bring the talent and professionalism needed to honor the Hilbert's lives, struggles, and ultimate triumphs.

As a city of immigrants that recognizes the challenges faced by many who came here, and cherishes and encourages cultural diversity, as well as artistic talent, Baltimore is fortunate to count you and the Hilbert's as citizens. We look forward to the completion of the project and participating in the release of the film.

Beery Adams,
Mayor's Immigrant Support and Outreach Coordinator,
Martin O'Malley, Mayor, City of Baltimore

"The Embassy of Hungary fully acknowledges and supports the realization of Freedom Dance. We see the unique place of Freedom Dance in preparing to commemorate the heroes of the first and greatest uprising against communist rule, and the Embassy expresses its interest to help the creators arrange the Washington debut of their movie."

András Simonyi
Embassy of Hungary, Washington, DC

" will stand up and cheer 'Encore! Encore!' This is brilliant work."

Gigi Iam, The Gigi, Inc Show, Comcast/Time-Warner Cable

"...(Freedom Dance) promises to present an amazing portrait of a truly original artist..."

Jayln Henton, PBS Senior Program Associate, Program Development and Independent Film

Freedom Dance ... will be a unique example of how character animation can be combined with interviews and photographs to tell an inspiring story. The Hilbert's story is one of courage and determination, and the innovative way you and Craig have decided to document their story should be applauded. Please do not hesitate to contact me if my office can be of any support in the production process.

Jack Gerbes
Director, Maryland Film Office