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Freedom Dance The Movie : Freedom Dance The Movie : Production Weblog: Migration of weblog to Textpattern
Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert

Migration of weblog to Textpattern

Posted on Saturday December 3, 2005 by John Bintz

John Bintz here. If you’re reading this, then you’re now reading the Textpattern version of the Freedom Dance weblog. I’ve finished the migration from cosblog, which is starting to show its age in comparison to all of these nifty edit-in-browser CMS packages. Textile is rather nice, too. Well, at least cosblog helped me learn PHP, which has come in handy more than once in the past few years. Expect a migration of to one of these new systems in the near future!

Anyway, what this now means for Freedom Dance is that, instead of me being the gatekeeper to weblog content, other folks on the team such as Steven, Craig, and Edward can post and edit their own entries, without having to go through me. It should allow for more frequent updates, and will give all of us more time to focus on the things in life that matter. Like coffee. And cartoons.

A few notes:

  • Clicking on an author’s icon or using the author links at the bottom of the page shows only those author’s posted articles. Use the “All” link at the bottom of the page or the “Weblog” link at the top to return to the normal view of the most recent articles.
  • Archives are no longer listed at the end of this page. Click the “Archives” link at the bottom of the page to view the list of all articles. Viewing an author’s articles by clicking their icon will always show all articles they’ve ever written.
  • The RSS feed now only gives you the ten most recent articles.
  • You can no longer filter entries by date. I don’t think anyone was using that, anyway.
  • Some old weblog entries had “posting dates” that spanned several days. Those migrated entries now have a single post date, that date being the last day of the range.

Peace out,

John Bintz

[ Steven Fischer, Craig Herron, Edward Hilbert Keynote Speakers at 2nd Annual Baltimore Immigration Summit | Freedom Dance + Web 2.0 Effects = Neat! ]

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