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Freedom Dance The Movie : Freedom Dance The Movie : Production Weblog: New York City Visit
Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert

New York City Visit

Posted on Sunday April 24, 2005 by Steven Fischer

I was in New York City Wednesday and Thursday (officially to attend the opening of “Coole Lady”, the astounding one-woman show by my dear friends, Sam and Joan McCready). The show and the party that followed were a blast!

However, time in the big apple was also used to visit friends, loved ones, and colleagues whom I’d met while still a member of the Directors Guild. (Keeping up relations. It was a great opportunity to spread the word about “Freedom Dance”.) Will return next month to attend a summit hosted by the Global Entertainment Network (where I hope to spread the word some more … you never know who you run into at these things).

Monday, Craig and I meet with Radio Free Europe in Washington, DC about “Freedom Dance”!

Steven Fischer

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