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Freedom Dance The Movie : Freedom Dance The Movie : Production Weblog: The Dear, Sweet Bryan Dawson; The Dear, Sweet Marie-Josee
Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert

The Dear, Sweet Bryan Dawson; The Dear, Sweet Marie-Josee

Posted on Saturday August 26, 2006 by Steven Fischer

Later this morning we recorded Bryan Dawson’s narration for Freedom Dance. Now, he’s known from the start that if we secured a name actor or actress for the narration we’d have to go with that person. He agreed nonetheless, and (never one to count on anything happening until it’s actually happening) I felt safer recording Bryan to keep on file as a backup just in case things don’t work out with … we’ll, you’ll hear about it soon enough.

Bryan’s agreeability to do this deal was such a sweet gesture, I thought. He’s really a good friend, so sincerely interested in Edward as an artist and a person. As you may know, Bryan Dawson is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the American Hungarian Federation.

We recorded at Studio Unknown, Kevin Hill’s audio shop located at the BlueRock facilities in Baltimore. Kevin has been equally great throughout production, giving much of his time, gear and expertise and not asking for much in return.

If you’re one who gets chills when it comes to karma, you’ll enjoy this: at the same time we were recording in Baltimore, Maryland USA, Marie-Josee Saint-Pierre was in London, England giving her master class on the aniamted documentary at the London International Animation Film Festival. In this master class, she is using Freedom Dance as an example of animated documentaries. She of course will be referencing her own, gorgeously produced aniamted doc McLaren’s Negatives. Check it out if you haven’t … it’s incredible. Click here Marie-Josee has been a wonderful supporter of Freedom Dance and I wish her all the best with her work … though as you’ll see from all the attention and awards her work receives, the last thing she needs is a word of encouragement from me!

With such love and friendship surrounding Freedom Dance, how could a production be considered anything less than blessed?


[ Freedom Dance Hostess Leanna Chamish on WCBM Radio | Freedom Dance Donors; Jim Camacho's Colors; and Miguel De Angel ]

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