![]() Houston, We Have a Screening; PressBox UK Releases Mariska News; Party at the Embassy of HungaryPosted on Wednesday September 20, 2006 by Steven Fischer Received call today from Houston … Freedom Dance has been invited to screen at a commemorative 1956 Hungarian Revolution Anniversary symposium at University of St. Thomas on October 27 and again at a related luncheon Oct 29th! Very exciting!! A Q&A will follow the Oct. 27 screening. If you’re in or around Houston … I hope to see you there! (Watch this weblog for details!) Received final confirmation for Friday’s session in NY! Whoo hoo! Pressbox today published news about Mariska’s up-coming work on Freedom Dance Click here to Read. SCREENING AT THE COLD WAR CONFERENCE! Also, The Cold War Conference in Lorton, Virginia, October 14, annoucned Freedom Dance will be screened at the event! It’s been a long time in discussion with the Conference organizers … at least a year … unfortuneately, I will not be able to attend the event … I’ll be directing This Guy in his new music video! ;0) The reception at the Embassy of Hungary was wonderful! Always an enchanted evening at the Embassy. Thanks again to Ambassador Simonyi and Cultural Attache Zoltan Feher for their generosity and friendship to Freedom Dance. An interesting note from the Ambassador’s speech was his delivery of news that Gati’s book, Failed Illusions had sold out it’s first 3,000 copies in Budapest in something like 36 hours …. 5,000 more were quickly release and sold out … prompting the Ambassador to comment on how interested modern Hungarian audiences are in the 1956 Revolution. Good news for Freedom Dance, I suppose. Encouraging anyway. Sat with Imre Toth, last surviving Secretary of the Revolution Committee for the Minstry of Forgein Affairs for the Imry Nagy government, his beaufitul wife Zsuzsa, and Zsuzsa’s mother who is visiting. (Many thanks to Zsuzsa for her her help translating the narration into Hungarian!!) I’m only just starting to get to know Imre on a personal level, and enjoy hearing his accounts from the Revolution … his personal story is remarkable! Bryan Dawson was there, ALWAYS a good sight to see. He’s been such a good friend to Freedom Dance, and to me personally. His generosity in opening the doors and the hearts of the American Hungarian Federation for our movie is a blessing I will never be able to fully express. But know, Bryan, that your sincere interest in helping make Freedom Dance a reality is a gift I will never forget. I’m sure there’s so much more to write about ,but I’ll sign off for now and pick up agai nlater. :0) |
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