Way To Go Photo ShootPosted on Wednesday March 9, 2005 by Steven Fischer Thanks to Craig’s wife, “Way To Go” magazine editor Barbara Herron, Craig and I have been asked to serve as featured subjects in an article to be published in “Way To Go” Magazine, an insert in Style Magazine! The article is to be the cover story for the May/June 2005 issue and will focus on the value of public transportation (and all the interesting people you could meet if only YOU took the train!). Craig and I will be featured as two commuters who use public transportation as part of their business day, but the journalist also wants us to talk a bit about our new movie, Freedom Dance. I accepted the interview immediately! Why? Because it keeps our names, faces, and Freedom Dance in the public eye, and from what I’ve experienced promoting past projects, this is a wise philosophy to endorse. Speaking publically about the documentary contributes (in the long run) to the potential of a buzz, and can build that wave of attention all promotion efforts aim to catch … and ride! Until Next Time, Steven Fischer |
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