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Freedom Dance The Movie : Freedom Dance The Movie : Production Weblog: Fischer, Hilbert Fox Interview
Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert

Fischer, Hilbert Fox Interview

Posted on Friday January 20, 2006 by Steven Fischer

This morning Edward and I appeared on Fox 45’s morning news in Baltimore to promote the Freedom Dance exhibit and Sunday’s reception. It went well.

Patrice Harris conducted the live broadcast interview and, upon seeing the playback of a VHS recording, I noticed they switched to the animation from the movie quite a bit during our couple of minutes on screen. I was glad for that. Patrice also directed a considerable amount of questions to Edward, which I was glad. It was more important, I thought, to focus on him … his story … his art. The movie gets its promotion simply by ramification.

John Bintz was there as our official photographer and got a nice shot of us … check the photo gallery under Promotional Photos. Also, look for the audio of the interview in the News section of this web site!

Also in the News Section you’ll find the audio from the MPT interview! It came out really nice.


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