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Freedom Dance The Movie : Freedom Dance The Movie : Production Weblog: Freedom Dance Art Exhibit Reception!
Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert

Freedom Dance Art Exhibit Reception!

Posted on Sunday January 22, 2006 by Steven Fischer

Tremendous turn out for today’s reception at the Norman & Sarah Art Gallery. Sold about a dozen pieces of original Freedom Dance artwork. Big attendance, I thought.

Cultural Attache Karoly Dan was there from the Embassy of Hungary and gave a speech, as did Beery Adams from the Mayor’s Office of Baltimore and Bryan Dawson from the American Hungarian Federation, all supporters of the movie.

Rightly so, Edward was quite the star attraction and I think enjoyed the spotlight.

Leanna Chamish and Phil Rosensteel from BlueRock Productions LLC were there as our official news crew, capturing interviews of all the dignitaries and capturing a lot of b-roll that I can cut into our “Making of…” documentary.

John Bintz served as official photographer … look for photos in the Promotional Photos section of this web site.

Karoly approached me at one point during the party and said he and Bryan Dawson were talking and they would like to hold a joint fund raiser between the Embassy and the Federation sometime in the spring to benefit Freedom Dance! Very exciting! Will hope to report many updates on that as these next few months pass.

After the reception, about 8 of us went out to dinner. Overall, it was a great day.

Thanks again to Claudine, Robin, Howard, and all the volunteers at the Jewish Community Center in Baltimore for making this gallery show possible!


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