Fox 45, Filmmakers Symposium, Abell Foundation, and SunrisesPosted on Friday December 9, 2005 by Steven Fischer Been shooting and editing sunrise footage for a series I am producing for Northern Virginia Communtiy College. Exhausting because of the early morning on top of the already long days, but exciting results! Received phone call from Fox 45 in Baltimore. They may be covering Freedom Dance and/or the exhibit. On December 8, Baltimore was host to its 3rd Filmmaker’s Symposium. The symposiums are coordinated by Craig Herron and Gregg Landry (the official videographer for Freedom Dance ), and are held in conjunction with Women in Film & Video’s Maryland chapter. So far they’ve taken place at BlueRock Productions A couple weeks ago, Craig asked if I’d speak at the symposium as part of a panel which included producer Frank Lama; Kevin Hill (friend and sound designer on Freedom Dance); Leanna Chamish (another friend of mine and TV personality/actress/vampire queen); Phil Rosensteel (a gifted storyteller/filmmaker/musician). Frank talked about his movie Swarm of the Snakehead; I talked about Houdini and Freedom Dance; Leanna talked about her amazing career as a vampire queen; Kevin talked about his sound design work on Freedom Dance and gave a tour of Studio Unknown ; and Phil talked about his touching new movie, Letters From Madison . Joe O’Ferrell was there with some of his impressive gear set up for demonstration including a new dolly and a jib. He’s got so much gear …. click on his name to access his site. Any grip and camera needs you have, he can probably fulfill. Phone meeting today with Abell Foundation about grants for Freedom Dance. Another follow up from contacts made last month at the 2nd Annual Baltimore Immigration Summit. ~Steven |
[ Freedom Dance + Web 2.0 Effects = Neat! | Fischer, Bintz in New York ]
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