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Freedom Dance The Movie : Freedom Dance The Movie : Production Weblog: Fischer, Hilbert Fox 45 Interview
Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert

Fischer, Hilbert Fox 45 Interview

Posted on Monday January 2, 2006 by Steven Fischer

A wonderfully busy, full, and active day during which a lot was accomplished. Started very early with a few emails then off to BlueRock Productions for a 10 a.m. edit session. An unforeseen delay prevented me from going though. Okay. Fine. A minor delay, change to afternoon edit session. I’m flexible, but what to do until then? Might as well make the best of the situation, find a way to be constructive and have some enjoyment at the same time…

So, stopped at a Caribou Coffee house, got some coffee, settled in a comfy arm chair, opened my day planner and made about a dozen calls, mostly related to Freedom Dance. Followed up to an email from Baltimore’s Fox 45 TV received earlier in the morning. They have scheduled Edward and me to appear on the morning show Friday, January 20 to promote the exhibit.

“With Harold Fisher?” I asked eagerly. (A couple years ago I was on the morning show facing Harold’s questions about The Wonderful, Happy, Cartoony World of Steve & Bluey. I thought we got on well.)

Called Claudine at the JCC to arrange a time for tomorrow’s hanging (of picture frames … just realized the double meaning. Ha!)

Since Craig and I have the MPT interview tomorrow morning, Claudine asked if we could bring the framed Freedom Dance drawings today to get a jump on the process.

I wasn’t too far from home, and since I had time agreed, drove home, collected the frames I had and drove to the JCC. Called Craig so that he could deliver the framed drawings he was storing at his place.

Also was able to meet with a colleague who might be selling his XL-1.

At last made it to BlueRock for the edit session and got the last little things prepared for tomorrow. (Will deliver to the producer b-roll of Freedom Dance production plus the work-in-progress. Should be nice additions to the interview and make the project more appealing to the audience.)


[ Maryland Public Television Interview Coming Soon | Fischer, Herron, Freedom Dance on MPT ]

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